Wednesday 1 July 2009

Almost there with diagnosis :-)

After hearing 'we can only apply for support once he has a diagnosis' one too many times, and knowing that CAMHS will take UP TO A YEAR before CY is at the top of their list, we decided to take him to a private Ed.PSych. The lad just needs support and we didn't know what we we dealing with, so armed with an interest free credit card, we took him on Monday. Why can't the NHS be so easy? Why should we have to wait a year for our child to be tested when he has a medical problem. It's shocking, disgusting and I AM going to write to my MP about it.
CY was very co-operative with the private Ed. Psych. She was brilliant. In two hours of testing she could tell us the following:

He DOES have a Pervasive Developmental Disorder and it is likely to be Asperger's - she's going to do the ADOS test in 10 days time.
He is a very visual thnker and finds it very difficult to learn from words - hence preference for TV history programmes over books.
He has a severe probelm with his 'processing speed' which will need addressing.
He is gifted in maths but average at the other things she looked at. His lang problems manifest in his writing (spelling, handwriting process, reading for meaning) not really in his verbal language.
She DOES NOT recommend a special school placement as she thinks it is inappropriate, instead she thinks we should pursue LEA funded home tutors. YAY!!!!!!

She is going to write us a report after the ADOS. I spoke to the SENCO at school today and she still won't put in an LEA assessement request until we have the written report in front of us.
CY is still refusing school most days and will need a tutor who can tailor lessons to his specific ways of learning. He has missed almost two years of school now, attending only a couple of days a week at best and missing months at a time at worst. At least we are getting somewhere now, but it will have cost us about 1600 pounds in private Psychologist appointments and we are just a normal family who don't actually have that lying around! It's not right that we have had to do this.

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