Tuesday 29 March 2011

Happy at School

So it seemed we were right and that it was the Grandparents' housemove that unsettled CY. Once they had moved and he had had a sleepover he was fine and has been attending his school unit every day for the all of this half term. Not only that, but he threw us a curve ball and decided to join Air Cadets! None of his friends were joining, he just researched it himself and decided to go. He's had all his hair cut off (yes, even went to a hairdresser for only the second time ever.) It hadn't been cut for almost 18 months! He loves it and is very happy.

On Saturday we received a letter from his Ed Welfare Officer inviting us to an attendance meeting to 'explain the irregularity in his attendance and what we have done to help.' Very p****d off!! He's been in every day since Feb half term. The irregularity started precisely because they tried to make him go back to his regular high school and it completely threw him. As for what we have done about it??!! They bloody know he has Asperger's, are we expected to cure it??

I rang the EWO to express that OH and I were not at all pleased with the tone of the letter and she couldn't understand why 'because all the usual legal bits had been left out'. So now we are supposed to be grateful that they are not trying to sue us. O. M. G. I know that all she wants to do is cover her back becasue she wants to make sure that they have done everything to ensure Joe has what he needs educationally but why oh bloody why can't they just take our word and CY's word. They seem to think that if he refuses, it is because the provision isn't right - it has nothing to do with that, it is entirely to do with how 'high' (what we call it when his AS is at its most intrusive) he is. When things are going well, he goes in. When he's anxious, he doesn't. Trying to make hime go to a different school is counter productive. he loves his Unit and his teachers there.

I have now asked CY to write a statement about how he feels about his educational provision so I can take it to this meeting. He has agreed to do it, though he sagely pointed out that' you do know they'll just accuse you of forging my signature, don't you, Mum..!' Just love Aspie bluntness and honesty :D