Friday 6 February 2009

Pride before a fall? Hope not.

After much soul searching and debating I have just cancelled the doctor who was supposed to be coming to assess CY for Disability Living Allowance. CY already sees enough people regarding his Asperger's and I just can't bring myself to list all his faults to a strange doctor while CY sits there as if he is such a burden that I need someone to pay me to look after my own son. Poor child needs SOME self esteem. I won't do it and I'd rather not have the money, even though it will get pretty tight. Fortunately, I can do exam marking in the evenings to make ends meet - but I bet it doesn't feel fortunate in June when CY is having a meltdown and I've got 300 scripts to get through! Onwards and upwards, though - CY has managed a few hours in school this week for the first time after months of school refusal due to anxiety.

Sunday 1 February 2009