Tuesday 11 January 2011

Ok, so it's been a while since I posted anything on here. Of course, Asperger's hasn't been cured in that time and I'm not sure I'd want it to be except on days like today. CY hasn't returned to school since term started last week and I'm not even sure that he knows why - that is probably the most frustrating thing about AS - you get the reaction but often have no bloody clue what the trigger was. So he stays in bed during his school hours (9.30 - 11.30) but otherwise is good - we, fortunately, haven't returned to the old days of meltdowns.
So what's triggering the school refusal this time? Could be one of a few things. Christmas excitement always throws him a little but usually he only refuses for one or two days at the start of a term. His cousins from Canada visited and returned at the end of December but again this didn't seem to throw him too much. Number one suspect at the moment is the impending house move of Gran and Gang (Grandad). CY has only ever known them living at one house and to make matters worse they don't have another house lined up yet so to CY and his lack of being able to process abstract things, I imagine this has become a massive focus for uncertainty. Of course, when you ask him why he's refusing he genuinely has no clue. The way I reason it, whenever he feels uncertain he tries to make himself 'safe' and to CY that means staying in bed.

Of course, understanding this does not make living with it any easier.
Nor does it make you feel any less of a failure when you have another school meeting to attend.
And no matter how many times you do it, making that phone call to school to let them know that, once again, he can't be persuaded to come in, still makes you feel crap.