Tuesday 3 March 2009

Reading age and more updates

CY did a reading test today at school and despite school refusing for at least half the time over the past two years, he's got a reading age of 16 years and six months...all more indicators towards why he's been school refusing and more evidence to spur the school into demonstrating how they can cater for his gifted and talented needs. CY has been attending willingly for a short amount of time twice a week and decides himself what he will learn. I'm absolutely convinced that this slow process is the only way we'll get him back into anything like a regular timetable. He needs to SEE and experience how school benefits him, no amount of telling him will do it as he cannot visualise or imagine anything other than his immediate needs and experience. Today he was there for 2 and a quarter hours, happily did the test and agreed to another one on Thursday. Being lovely at home though still prone to tears and hypersensitivity over daft things so needs supervision. Still needs quite rigid, time consuming bedtime routine but it works and he sleeps so worth it. He sleeps soundly now we allow the dogs to sleep in his room and it's having a positive impact on his mood and co-operation during the day. Went into town with his friend on Saturday, only the second time he's been out and about without adults - came back on the bus together, all new life skills and confidence building, all good:-)
Still not heard re: DISCO and neuro cog test. Must phone CAMHS. Have meeting Thursday 12th March with EWO et al to review progress at school and plan ahead. CY's mentor at achool has asked me to sign forms to allow him to work with the ed.psych but will need consultation with IM at CAMHS before I agree- don't want too many cooks spoiling the broth. To me, helping him cope with the Asperger's (or whatever it turns out to be) via CAMHS will get him into school of his own accord. One of the end results will hopefully be better and more productive school attendance but it's not the first and only goal - the EWO obviously has a different viewpoint to us here. Mrs O, the teacher in charge of the unit at school, is becoming our newest saviour - fantastic welcoming and calm attitude and flexibility just as R needs right now.
Chops Elder has to make options choices soon but seems well sorted in what he wants to do. Parents' Evening next week.

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